AbstractPhenomenonImposter phenomenon (IP) is the feeling of inadequacy despite demonstrating external standards of success. Few studies have broadly examined the prevalence of IP in resident-physicians. This study assessed the prevalence of self-reported IP in resident-physicians, exploring the correlation of demographic risk factors and feelings of IP.ApproachAll residents, across all years of training and programs at McMaster University during the 2019-2020 academic year were recruited to complete a self-report survey. Survey items gathered demographic information and measured self-reported feelings of IP and Clance Imposter Phenomenon Scale (CIPS) scores.Findings519 out of 977 (53.1%) individuals completed the survey. Measured by the CIPS, clinically significant IP occurred in 59.2% (n=307) of participants. After completing the CIPS, participants self-reported feelings of low (25.0%, n=130), medium (41.9%, n=218), high (19.0%, n=99), and intense (3.7%, n= 19) IP. 64.9% (n=337) of respondents felt they hid feelings of IP during residency. 62.4% (n=324) of respondents were unaware of resources available to them as they struggled with feelings of IP. Only female gender was associated with IP (p <0.001).InsightsIP is highly prevalent across a broad range of residents, independent of clinical discipline and most demographics. Educators and administrators should attend to IP by normalizing the discussion of IP and ensuring adequate access to resources for support.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory