Motion-Induced Blindness as a Noisy Excitable System


Katkov MikhailORCID,Cooperman Alexander,Meital-Kfir Noya,Sagi DovORCID


AbstractPerceptual disappearance of a salient target induced by a moving texture mask (MIB: Motion Induced Blindness) is a striking effect, currently poorly understood. Here, we investigated whether the mechanisms underlying MIB qualify as an excitable system. Excitable systems exhibit fast switches from one state to another (e.g., visible/invisible) induced by an above-threshold perturbation and stimulus-independent dynamics, followed by a refractory period. In the experiments, disappearance was induced by masks consisting of slowly rotating radial bars with a gap at the target location, leading to periodic perturbation of the visual field around the target (a bright parafoveal spot). When passed around the target location, masks frequently induced an abrupt target disappearance, pointing to locality. As expected from excitable systems, the disappearance time was not affected by additional bars crossing the target during invisibility, and there was little dependence on the mask configuration. After the target reappeared, it stayed for at least 0.5-2 seconds (the refractory period). Therefore, the mechanisms governing MIB represent an example of an excitable system, where the transition to the invisible state is induced by the mask, with the dynamics that follow determined mostly by the internal network properties.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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