Pairing cellular and synaptic dynamics into building blocks of rhythmic neural circuits


Scully James,Bourahmah Jassem,Bloom David,Shilnikov Andrey L.ORCID


The purpose of this paper is trifold – to serve as an instructive resource and a reference catalog for biologically plausible modeling with i) conductance-based models, coupled with ii) strength-varying slow synapse models, culminating in iii) two canonical pair-wise rhythm-generating networks. We document the properties of basic network components: cell models and synaptic models, which are prerequisites for proper network assembly. Using the slow-fast decomposition we present a detailed analysis of the cellular dynamics including a discussion of the most relevant bifurcations. Several approaches to model synaptic coupling are also discussed, and a new logistic model of slow synapses is introduced. Finally, we describe and examine two types of bicellular rhythm-generating networks: i) half-center oscillators ii) excitatory-inhibitory pairs and elucidate a key principle – the network hysteresis underlying the stable onset of emergent slow bursting in these neural building blocks. These two cell networks are a basis for more complicated neural circuits of rhythmogenesis and feature in our models of swim central pattern generators.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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