Concurrent remodelling of nucleolar 60S subunit precursors by the Rea1 ATPase and Spb4 RNA helicase


Mitterer Valentin,Thoms Matthias,Buschauer Robert,Berninghausen Otto,Hurt Ed,Beckmann Roland


AbstractBiogenesis intermediates of nucleolar ribosomal 60S precursor particles undergo a number of structural maturation steps before they transit to the nucleoplasm and are finally exported into the cytoplasm. The AAA+-ATPase Rea1 participates in the nucleolar exit by releasing the Ytm1–Erb1 heterodimer from the evolving pre-60S particle. Here, we show that the DEAD-box RNA helicase Spb4 with its interacting partner Rrp17 is further integrated into this maturation event. Spb4 binds to a specific class of late nucleolar pre-60S intermediates, whose cryo-EM structure revealed how its helicase activity facilitates melting and restructuring of 25S rRNA helices H62 and H63/H63a prior to Ytm1–Erb1 release.In vitromaturation of such Spb4-enriched pre-60S particles, incubated with purified Rea1 and its associated pentameric Rix1-complex in the presence of ATP, combined with cryo-EM analysis depicted the details of the Rea1-dependent large-scale pre-ribosomal remodelling. Our structural insights unveil how the Rea1 ATPase and Spb4 helicase remodel late nucleolar pre-60S particles by rRNA restructuring and dismantling of a network of several ribosomal assembly factors.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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