Extracellular matrix protein anosmin-1 overexpression regulates dopaminergic phenotype in the CNS and the PNS with no pathogenic consequences in MPTP model of Parkinson’s disease


Villadiego JavierORCID,García-Swinburn Roberto,García-González Diego,Lebrón-Galán Rafael,Murcia-Belmonte Verónica,García-Roldán Ernesto,Suárez-Luna Nela,Nombela CristinaORCID,Marchena Miguel,de Castro FernandoORCID,Toledo-Aral Juan José


AbstractThe development and survival of dopaminergic neurons are influenced by the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) pathway. Anosmin-1 (A1) is an extracellular matrix protein that acts as a major regulator of this signaling pathway, controlling FGF diffusion, and receptor interaction and shuttling. Furthermore, overexpression of A1in vivogives rise to higher number of dopaminergic neurons in the olfactory bulb. Here, using A1 overexpressing mice (A1-mice), we studied the effects of A1 on different populations of catecholaminergic neurons in the central (CNS) and the peripheral nervous systems (PNS). A1 overexpression increases the number of dopaminergic SNpc neurons and alters the striosome/matrix organization of the striatum. Interestingly, these numerical and morphological changes in the nigrostriatal pathway of A1-mice do not confer an altered susceptibility to experimental MPTP-parkinsonism with respect to wild type controls. Moreover, the study of the effects of A1 overexpression was extended to different dopaminergic tissues associated with the PNS, detecting a significant reduction in the number of dopaminergic chemosensitive carotid body glomus cells in A1-mice. Overall, these analyses confirm A1 as a principal regulator of the FGF pathway in the development and survival of dopaminergic neurons in different nuclei of the mammalian nervous system.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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