AbstractLong and short-term musical training has been proposed to improve efficiency of cortical tracking of speech, the mechanism through which brain oscillations synchronize to the acoustic temporal structure of external stimuli. Here, we study how different rhythm structures of the musical signal can guide the temporal dynamics of auditory oscillations phase-aligned to the speech envelope. For this purpose, we investigated the effects of prior exposure to rhythmically structured musical sequences on cortical tracking of speech in Basque-Spanish bilingual adults. We conducted two EEG experiments where participants were presented with sentences in Basque and Spanish preceded by musical sequences that differed in their beat structure. The beat structure of the musical sequences was created to 1) reflect and match the syllabic structure of the sentences, 2) reflect a regular rhythm but not match the syllabic structure of the sentences, and 3) follow an irregular rhythm. First, we showed that the regularity found in the rhythmic structure of music acts as a temporal guide for brain oscillations. Second, our findings suggest that not only the regularity in music is crucial but so is adjusting this regularity to optimally reflect the rhythmic characteristics of the language. Third, despite finding some differences across frequencies for each language, we still found a strong effect of rhythm regularity on cortical tracking of speech. We showed that rhythm, inherent in musical signals, guides the adaptation of brain oscillations, by adapting the temporal dynamics of the oscillatory activity to the rhythmic scaffolding of the musical signal.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
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