ABSTRACTGenome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified numerous body mass index (BMI) loci. However, most underlying mechanisms from risk locus to BMI remain unknown. Leveraging omics data through integrative analyses could provide more comprehensive views of biological pathways on BMI. We analyzed genotype and blood gene expression data in up to 5,619 samples from the Framingham Heart Study (FHS). Using 3,992 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 97 BMI loci and 20,692 transcripts within 1 Mb, we performed separate association analyses of transcript with BMI and SNP with transcript (PBMIand PSNP, respectively) and then a correlated meta-analysis between the full summary data sets (PMETA). We identified transcripts that met Bonferroni-corrected significance for each omic, were more significant in the correlated meta-analysis than each omic, and were at least nominally associated with BMI in FHS data. Among 308 significant SNP-transcript-BMI associations, we identified seven genes (NT5C2,GSTM3,SNAPC3,SPNS1,TMEM245,YPEL3, andZNF646) in five association regions. Using an independent sample of blood gene expression data, we validated results forSNAPC3andYPEL3. We tested for generalization of these associations in hypothalamus, nucleus accumbens, and liver and observed significant (PMETA<0.05 & PMETA<PSNP& PMETA<PBMI) results forYPEL3in nucleus accumbens andNT5C2,SNAPC3,TMEM245,YPEL3, andZNF646in liver. The identified genes help link the genetic variation at obesity risk loci to biological mechanisms and health outcomes, thus translating GWAS findings to function.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory