Multi-objective management of naturally regenerating beech forests – An ecological-economic optimization approach


Schorn Markus E.ORCID,Quaas Martin F.ORCID,Schenk Hanna,Wirth Christian,Rüger NadjaORCID


AbstractHow can we meet economic objectives of timber harvesting while maintaining the functioning of diverse forest ecosystems? Existing forest models that address this type of question are often complex, data-intensive, challenging to couple with economic optimization models, or can not easily be generalised for uneven-aged mixed-species forests. Here, we develop an ecological-economic optimization model, which integrates a state-of-the-art demographic forest model with a continuous cover forestry harvesting model to optimise efficient and sustainable timber harvesting. As a proof-of-concept, we apply the model to a beech-dominated forest in the Hainich-Dün region in Thuringia, Germany, with the goal of optimising multiple objectives such as timber yield and the biodiversity value of the forest. The ecological module is the Perfect Plasticity Approximation (PPA) demographic forest model that simulates forest dynamics based on individual tree growth and survival rates in the canopy and understory layers, respectively, as well as recruitment rates. We used repeated forest inventory data from a 28-ha forest plot to quantify these demographic rates and validated the predictions of the ecological module against the structure of old-growth beech forests in Europe. The economic module includes the optimization of net revenues (market revenues net of harvesting cost) from harvesting timber. As an indicator of the biodiversity value of the forest, we use the number of retained habitat trees (>70 cm diameter). The forest model delivered reasonable predictions of structural attributes of unmanaged old-growth beech forests. When net revenues from timber harvest were maximised, trees were logged when they reached 55 cm in diameter. This is similar to current management practices in beech forests. We found a linear trade-off between timber net revenues and biodiversity value with about 2.5% of the maximum benefit of timber harvest being lost with each additionally retained habitat tree. We established a generic ecological-economic modelling framework that reliably represents forest dynamics as well as optimising forest management. To our knowledge, this is the first forest model for central European forests capable of identifying optimal harvesting over the full set of feasible strategies, rather than merely comparing predefined management scenarios. The framework can be extended to mixed-species forests and support forest management for diverse ecosystem services.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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