AbstractThe little skate Leucoraja erinacea, a cartilaginous fish, displays pelvic fin driven walking-like behaviors using genetic programs and neuronal subtypes similar to those of land vertebrates. However, mechanistic studies on little skate motor circuit development have been limited, due to a lack of high-quality reference genome. Here, we generated an assembly of the little skate genome, containing precise gene annotation and structures, which allowed post-genome analysis of spinal motor neurons (MNs) essential for locomotion. Through interspecies comparison of mouse, skate and chicken MN transcriptomes, shared and divergent MN expression profiles were identified. Conserved MN genes were enriched for early-stage nervous system development. Comparison of accessible chromatin regions between mouse and skate MNs revealed conservation of the potential regulators with divergent transcription factor (TF) networks through which expression of MN genes is differentially regulated. TF networks in little skate MNs are much simpler than those in mouse MNs, suggesting a more fine-grained control of gene expression operates in mouse MNs. These findings suggest conserved and divergent mechanisms controlling MN development system of vertebrates during evolution and the contribution of intricate gene regulatory networks in the emergence of sophisticated motor system in tetrapods.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory