Metagenomics Study of Bacterial Communities from Yamuna River water of city of Taj, Agra


Raghav Nupur,Saraswat Pooja,Srivastava Janendra Nath,Ranjan Rajiv


ABSTRACTYamuna river water of Agra city is heavily contaminated with toxic pollutants including heavy metal that causes severe damage to ecological and social aspects. At present, the direct use of river water for the purpose of drinking causes severe hazards due to anthropogenic activities causing environmental pollution in rivers. In present study, Yamuna River water was collected from three different sites of Agra city. Various physico-chemical parameters were estimated by following the standard methods of APHA and the concentration of heavy metals were measured using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). In case of physico-chemical parameters characterization, the obtained values were extremely above the permissible limits. On account of the research work; the Yamuna river water samples contains heavy metal concentrations (Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead and Nickel) above the desirable and admissible levels except for Zinc. During analysis of non-culturable bacteria a substantial bacterial diversity was observed in the Yamuna river water samples collected from different sites. The water samples were subjected to metagenomic analysis using Illumina platform which revealed that Proteobacteria (phylum), Betaproteobacteria (class), Burkholderiales (order), Comamonadaceae (family), Hydrogenophaga (genus) and Chloroflexi bacterium OLB 14 (species) were found as the most dominant bacterial taxonomic abundance in the river water samples. The presence of such bacterial communities in water indicates the availability of pollutants and suggests the futuristic use in the field of bioremediation.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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