Effects of chronic spinal cord injury on relationships among ion channel and receptor mRNAs in mouse lumbar spinal cord


Garcia Virginia B.,Abbinanti Matthew D.,Harris-Warrick Ronald M.,Schulz David J.ORCID


ABSTRACTSpinal cord injury (SCI) causes widespread changes in gene expression of the spinal cord, even in the undamaged spinal cord below the level of the lesion. Less is known about changes in the correlated expression of genes after SCI. We investigated gene co-expression networks among voltage-gated ion channel and neurotransmitter receptor mRNA levels using quantitative RT-PCR in longitudinal slices of the mouse lumbar spinal cord in control and chronic SCI animals. These longitudinal slices were made from the ventral surface of the cord, thus forming slices relatively enriched in motor neurons or interneurons. We performed absolute quantitation of mRNA copy number for 50 ion channel or receptor transcripts from each sample, and used multiple correlation analyses to detect patterns in correlated mRNA levels across all pairs of genes. The majority of channels and receptors changed in expression as a result of chronic SCI, but did so differently across slice levels. Furthermore, motor neuron enriched slices experienced an overall loss of correlated channel and receptor expression, while interneuron slices showed a dramatic increase in the number of positively correlated transcripts. These correlation profiles suggest that spinal cord injury induces distinct changes across cell types in the organization of gene co-expression networks for ion channels and transmitter receptors.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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