Exploring the correlation between COVID-19 fatalities and poor WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) services


Amankwaa GodfredORCID,Fischer ChristianORCID


AbstractAccess to safe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services have been recognized as a highly precautionary measure essential to protecting human health during this COVID-19 outbreak. However, it is currently unknown whether poor or non-availability of these services are also closely related to COVID-19 fatalities. We analysed the latest data on COVID-19 fatality rates in Sub Saharan Africa with indicators of safe water and sanitation governance to test this hypothesis. We found a strong correlation between a higher case fatality rate and poorer access to safe drinking water as well as safe sanitation. The Pearson correlation is stronger for access to safe sanitation (−0.30) compared to access to safe drinking water (−0.20). The Chad, Niger and Sierra Leone were amongst the countries with the highest fatality rates (>6.0) and also had particularly poor access to safe drinking water (<34%) and safe sanitation (<22%). The hypothesis of an association between COVID-19 fatalities and poor access to water and sanitation was confirmed by this study. However, our analysis does not establish causality. Given the increase spread of COVID-19 and related deaths, this analysis serves as an important reminder that safe water and sanitation services are key for public health interventions and highlights the need to prioritise this sector in all economies.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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