SOX2 is required independently in both stem and differentiated cells for pituitary tumorigenesis in p27 null mice


Moncho-Amor Veronica,Chakravarty Probir,Galichet Christophe,Matheu Ander,Lovell-Badge RobinORCID,Rizzoti KarineORCID


AbstractLoss of P27 predominantly results in development of murine pituitary intermediate lobe (IL) tumours. We previously showed that the pleiotropic protein P27 can drive repression of the transcription factor Sox2. This interaction plays an important role during development of p27-/- IL tumours because loss of one copy of Sox2 diminishes tumorigenesis. Here, we have explored the cellular origin and mechanisms underlying melanotroph tumorigenesis in p27-/- IL. We show that IL hyperplasia is associated with reduced cellular differentiation, while levels of SOX2 increase in both stem cells (SC) and melanotrophs. Using loss-of-function and lineage tracing approaches, we demonstrate that SOX2 is required cell-autonomously in p27-/- melanotrophs and SCs for tumorigenesis. This is supported by studies deleting the Sox2 regulatory region 2 (Srr2), which is the target of P27 repressive action. Single cell transcriptomic analysis reveals that activation of a SOX2-dependent MAPK pathway in SCs is important for p27-/- tumorigenesis. Our data highlight different roles of SOX2 following loss of p27, according to the cellular context. Furthermore, we uncover a tumor-promoting function for SCs, which is SOX2-dependant. In conclusion, our results imply that targeting SCs, in addition to tumour cells themselves, may represent an efficient anti-tumoral strategy in certain contexts.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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