The landscape of intrinsic and evolved fluoroquinolone resistance inAcinetobacter baumanniiincludes suppression of drug-induced prophage replication


Geisinger Edward,Vargas-Cuebas Germán,Mortman Nadav J.,Syal Sapna,Wainwright Elizabeth L.,Lazinski David,Wood Stephen,Zhu Zeyu,Anthony Jon,Opijnen Tim van,Isberg Ralph R.


AbstractThe emergence of fluoroquinolone resistance in nosocomial pathogens has restricted the clinical efficacy of this antibiotic class. InAcinetobacter baumannii, the majority of clinical isolates now show high-level resistance due to mutations ingyrA(DNA gyrase) andparC(Topo IV). To investigate the molecular basis for fluoroquinolone resistance, an exhaustive mutation analysis was performed in both drug sensitive and resistant strains to identify loci that alter the sensitivity of the organism to ciprofloxacin. To this end, parallel fitness tests of over 60,000 unique insertion mutations were performed in strains with various alleles in genes encoding the drug targets. The spectrum of mutations that altered drug sensitivity was found to be similar in the drug sensitive and double mutantgyrAparCbackground having resistance alleles in both genes. In contrast, introduction of a singlegyrAresistance allele, resulting in preferential poisoning of Topo IV by ciprofloxacin, led to extreme alterations in the insertion mutation fitness landscape. The distinguishing feature of preferential Topo IV poisoning was induction of DNA synthesis in the region of two endogenous prophages, which appeared to occurin situ. Induction of the selective DNA synthesis in thegyrAbackground was also linked to enhanced activation of SOS response and heightened transcription of prophage genes relative to that observed in either the WT orgyrAparCdouble mutants. Therefore, the accumulation of mutations that result in the stepwise evolution of high ciprofloxacin resistance is tightly connected to suppression of hyperactivation of the SOS response and endogenous prophage DNA synthesis.ImportanceFluoroquinolones have been extremely successful antibiotics. Their clinical efficacy derives from the ability to target multiple bacterial enzymes critical to DNA replication, the topoisomerases DNA gyrase and Topo IV. Unfortunately, mutations lowering drug affinity for both enzymes are now widespread, rendering these drugs ineffective for many pathogens. To undermine this form of resistance, we sought to understand how bacteria with target alterations differentially cope with fluoroquinolone exposures. We studied this problem in the nosocomial pathogenA. baumannii, which causes resistant, life-threating infections. Employing genome-wide approaches, we uncovered numerous pathways that could be exploited to lower fluoroquinolone resistance independently of target alteration. Remarkably, fluoroquinolone targeting of Topo IV in specific mutants caused dramatic prophage hyperinduction, a response that was muted in strains with DNA gyrase as the primary target. This work demonstrates that resistance evolution via target modification can profoundly modulate the antibiotic stress response, revealing potential resistance-associated liabilities.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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