A model based on a high-resolution flux matrix explains the spread of diseases in a spatial network and the effect of mitigation strategies


Le Treut GuillaumeORCID,Huber GregORCID,Kamb MasonORCID,Kawagoe KyleORCID,McGeever AaronORCID,Miller JonathanORCID,Pnini ReuvenORCID,Veytsman BorisORCID,Yllanes DavidORCID


AbstractPropagation of an epidemic across a spatial network of communities is described by a variant of the SIR model accompanied by an intercommunity infectivity matrix. This matrix is estimated from fluxes between communities, obtained from cell-phone tracking data recorded in the USA between March 2020 and February 2021. We have applied this model to the 2020 dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. We find that the numbers of susceptible and infected individuals predicted by the model agree with the reported cases in each community by fitting just one global parameter representing the frequency of interaction between individuals. The effect of “shelter-in-place” policies introduced across the USA at the onset of the pandemic is clearly seen in our results. We then consider the effect that alternative policies would have had, namely restricting long-range travel. We find that this policy is successful in decreasing the epidemic size and slowing down the spread, at the expense of a substantial restriction on mobility as a function of distance. When long-distance mobility is suppressed, this policy results in a traveling wave of infections, which we characterize analytically. In particular, we show the dependence of the wave velocity and profile on the transmission parameters. Finally, we discuss a policy of selectively constraining travel based on an edge-betweenness criterion.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Reference60 articles.








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