In the past two decades genomic data have been widely used to detect historical gene flow between species in a variety of plants and animals. The Tamias quadrivittatus group of North America chipmunks, which originated through a series of rapid speciation events, are known to undergo massive amounts of mitochondrial introgression. Yet in a recent analysis of targeted nuclear loci from the group, no evidence for cross-species introgression was detected, indicating widespread cytonuclear discordance. The study used heuristic methods that analyze summaries of the multilocus sequence data to detect gene flow, which may suffer from low power. Here we use the full likelihood method implemented in the Bayesian program BPP to reanalyze these data. We take a stepwise approach to constructing an introgression model by adding introgression events onto a well-supported binary species tree. The analysis detected robust evidence for multiple ancient introgression events affecting the nuclear genome, with introgression probabilities reaching 65%. We estimate population parameters and highlight the fact that species divergence times may be seriously underestimated if ancient cross-species gene flow is ignored in the analysis. Our analyses highlight the importance of using adequate statistical methods to reach reliable biological conclusions concerning cross-species gene flow.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
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6 articles.