Bacterial RNA Isolation


Ares Manuel


In this bacterial RNA isolation protocol, an “RNA-protective” treatment is followed by lysozyme digestion of the peptidoglycan component of the cell wall. EDTA promotes the loss of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and allows the lysozyme better access to the peptidoglycan. Cells begin to lyse during digestion in hypotonic lysozyme buffer and lysis is completed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and hot phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (PCA) extraction. SDS and hot phenol disrupt membranes, denature protein (including RNase), and strip proteins from RNA. The separation of the organic phase from the aqueous phase is achieved using Phase Lock Gel, an inert material with a density intermediate between the organic and aqueous samples. The sample is split into three phases: from bottom to top, these are phenol and chloroform (organic phase), the inert gel with the interface material, and the aqueous phase with the RNA. The gel acts as a physical barrier between the sample and the organic phase plus interface. Following organic extraction, the RNA is concentrated by ethanol precipitation.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Reference3 articles.

1. Lader E . 2001. Methods and reagents for preserving RNA in cell and tissue samples, U.S. Patent 6204375.

2. Isolating RNA from whole blood—The dawn of RNA-based diagnosis?;Nature,1993

3. Removal of DNA from RNA







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