Pulse-Chase Labeling of Protein Antigens with [35S]Methionine


DeCaprio James,Kohl Thomas O.


Pulse-chase labeling of antigens with [35S]methionine is used to determine the relative half-life of a protein. In this protocol, intracellular unlabeled methionine levels are reduced by starvation of cells for 0.5–1 h, and then the cells are briefly labeled with [35S]methionine to create the pulse of newly synthesized proteins. Upon completion of cell labeling, the addition of Chasing medium containing an excess of unlabeled methionine is used to create the chase, reducing the likelihood that any remaining [35S]methionine will be incorporated into newly synthesized proteins. Labeling and chasing reactions of adherent cells can be directly performed in cell culture dishes in an incubator, whereas suspension cells are labeled and chased in a polypropylene tube kept in a water bath set at 37°C. At intervals after the pulse, aliquots of chased labeled cells are collected and pelleted with the option of immediately preparing cell lysates or freezing and storing the cell pellets at −80°C. Upon cell lysis and antigen purification by immunoprecipitation, SDS-PAGE-resolved proteins can be fixed on the gel and enhanced with fluorography or can be transferred to a nitrocellulose or polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane followed by autoradiography or exposure in a phosphorimager. Membrane blotting has the advantage of allowing for detection of the target of interest by probing with an antigen-specific antibody to confirm that equal amounts of steady-state levels of the target protein were immunoprecipitated at each interval.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

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