Cause of Death by Race and Ethnicity in Minnesota Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2019-2020


Blake Madelyn J.ORCID,Marka Nicholas A.ORCID,Steer Clifford J.ORCID,Ravdin Jonathan I.


ABSTRACTObjectivesTo measure changes in cause of death dynamics in 2019 and 2020 and the relationship between concurrent occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic and mortality outcome by race and ethnicity.Patients and MethodsWe used resident mortality data from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to conduct retrospective statistical analysis of deaths in Minnesota in 2019 relative to 2020 to assess changes in mortality in a pre-pandemic and pandemic period.ResultsCOVID-19 strongly contributed to ethnicity-related mortality disparities in Minnesota. Not only was there a greater proportion of COVID-19 decedents within the Black and Hispanic populations, but their average decedent age was markedly lower relative to the White population. The Black population experienced a disproportionate increase in decedents with a 34% increase during 2020 compared to 2019.ConclusionsThis retrospective analysis of death dynamics and mortality outcomes in Minnesota from 2019 to 2020 demonstrated an increase in adverse mortality outcomes relative to the pre-pandemic period that disproportionately impacted Black and Hispanic minority populations. Access to non-pharmaceutical interventions combating COVID-19 infection in Black and Hispanic communities should be expanded in Minnesota.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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