AbstractBrain size tripled in the human lineage over four million years, but why this occurred remains uncertain. To advance our understanding of what caused hominin-brain expansion, I mechanistically replicate it in-silico by modelling the evolutionary and developmental (evo-devo) dynamics of hominin-brain size. I show that, starting from australopithecine brain and body sizes, the model recovers the evolution of brain and body sizes of seven hominin species, the evolution of the hominin brain-body allometry, and major patterns of human development and evolution. Analysis shows that in this model the brain expands because it is “socio-genetically” correlated with developmentally late preovulatory ovarian follicles, not because brain size is directly selected for. The socio-genetic correlation causing the recovered hominin brain expansion is generated over development by ecology and possibly culture. Thus, in this model, direct selection that does not favour brain expansion provides a force that developmental constraints divert causing hominin-brain expansion.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
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