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2. Bernd Accou , Mohammad Jalilpour-Monesi , Hugo Van hamme , and Tom Francart . Predicting speech intelligibility from eeg using a dilated convolutional network. ArXiv, abs/2105.06844, 2021a.
3. Bernd Accou , Mohammad Jalilpour-Monesi , Jair Montoya-Martınez , Hugo Van hamme , and Tom Francart . Modeling the relationship between acoustic stimulus and eeg with a dilated convolutional neural network. 2020 28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), pages 1175–1179, 2021b.
4. Auditory Brainstem Response to Complex Sounds Predicts Self-Reported Speech-in-Noise Performance
5. Learning Subject-Invariant Representations from Speech-Evoked EEG Using Variational Autoencoders