Specific Oxylipins Enhance Vertebrate Hematopoiesis via the Receptor GPR132


Lahvic Jamie L.,Ammerman Michelle,Li Pulin,Blair Megan C.,Stillman Emma,Robertson Anne L.,Christodoulou Constantina,Perlin Julie R.,Yang Song,Chiang Nan,Norris Paul C.,Daily Madeleine L.,Redfield Shelby E.,Chan Iris T.,Chatrizeh Mona,Chase Michael E.,Weis Olivia,Zhou Yi,Serhan Charles N.,Zon Leonard I


AbstractEpoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) are endogenous lipid signaling molecules with cardioprotective and vasodilatory actions. We recently showed that exogenous addition of 11,12-EET enhances hematopoietic induction and engraftment in mice and zebrafish. EETs are known to signal via a G-protein coupled receptor(s), and significant research supports the existence of a specific high-affinity receptor. Identification of a hematopoietic specific EET receptor would enable genetic interrogation of the EET signaling pathway and perhaps clinical use of this molecule. We developed a bioinformatic approach to identify the EET receptor based on the expression of GPCRs in cell lines with differential responses to EETs. We found 10 candidate EET receptors that are commonly expressed in three EET-responsive human cell lines, but not expressed in an EET-unresponsive line. Of these candidates, only GPR132 showed EET-responsiveness in vitro using a luminescence-based assay for β-arrestin recruitment. Knockdown of zebrafish gpr132b prevented EET-induced hematopoiesis, and marrow from GPR132 knockout mice showed decreased long-term engraftment capability. In contrast to the putative high-affinity EET receptor, GPR132 is reported to have affinity for additional fatty acids in vitro, and we found that these same fatty acids enhance hematopoietic stem cell specification in the zebrafish. We conducted structure-activity relationship analyses using both in vitro and in vivo assays on diverse medium chain fatty acids. Certain oxygenated, unsaturated free fatty acids showed high activation of GPR132, while unoxygenated or saturated fatty acids had lower activity. Absence of the carboxylic acid moiety prevented activity, suggesting that this moiety is required for receptor activation. GPR132 responds to a select panel of polyunsaturated, oxygenated fatty acids to enhance both embryonic and adult hematopoiesis.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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