Liver Receptor Homolog-1 (LRH-1/NR5A2) orchestrates hepatic inflammation and TNF-induced cell death


Lambrecht Rebekka,Eugenia Delgado M.,Gloe Vincent,Schuetz Karina,Plazzo Anna Pia,Franke Barbara,Phan Truong San,Fleming Jennifer,Mayans Olga,Brunner Thomas


SummaryLiver Receptor Homolog-1 (LRH-1/NR5A2) is a nuclear receptor that has been shown to promote apoptosis resistance in various tissues and disease contexts, however, its role in liver cell death remains unexplored. Deletion of LRH-1 in hepatocytes developed into a mild steatosis and inflammation already under steady-state conditions. Unexpectedly, hepatocyte-specific deletion of LRH-1 also resulted in a profound protection of mice from TNF-induced hepatocyte apoptosis and associated hepatitis. LRH-1-deficient hepatocytes showed elevated NF-ⲕB activity, while LRH-1 overexpression inhibited NF-ⲕB activity. This inhibition was based on direct physical interaction of the ligand-binding domain of LRH-1 and the Rel homology domain of NF-ⲕB subunit RelA. Mechanistically, we found that increased transcription of anti-apoptotic NF-ⲕB target genes, together with proteasomal degradation of pro-apoptotic BIM via regeneration-driven EGF receptor signaling, prevented mitochondrial apoptosis, ultimately protecting mice from TNF-induced liver damage. Collectively, our study demonstrates that LRH-1 is a critical modulator of cell death and inflammation in the healthy and diseased liver.HighlightsHepatic LRH-1 deletion causes mild liver steatosis, fibrosis, and inflammation.Female LRH-1-deficient mice are protected from TNF-induced liver damage.LRH-1 interacts with NF-ⲕB and inhibits its activity.LRH-1 deletion-provoked inflammation causes degradation of pro-apoptotic protein BIM.Graphical abstract


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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