A secure and rapid query-software for COVID-19 test results that can easily be integrated into the clinical workflow to avoid communication overload


Völkel Gunnar,Fürstberger Axel,Schwab Julian D.,Kühlwein Silke D.,Gscheidmeier Thomas,Kraus Johann M.,Groß Alexander,Kohlmayer Florian,Kuhn Peter,Kuhn Klaus A.,Kohlbacher Oliver,Seufferlein Thomas,Kestler Hans A.ORCID


AbstractOvercoming the COVID-19 crisis requires new ideas and strategies. Rapid testing of a large number of subjects is essential to monitor, and delay, the spread of SARS-CoV-2 to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic. People not knowing that they are infected may not stay in quarantine and, thus, are a risk for infecting others. Unfortunately, the massive number of COVID-19 tests performed is challenging for both laboratories and the units that take the throat swab and have to communicate test results. Here, we present a secure tracking system (CTest) to report COVID-19 test results online as soon as they become available. The system can be integrated into the clinical workflow with very modest effort and avoids excessive load to telephone hotlines. With this open-source and browser-based online tracking system, we aim to minimize the time required to inform the tested person but also the test units, e.g. hospitals or the public healthcare system. Instead of personal calls, CTest updates the status of the test automatically when the test results are available. Test reports are published on a secured web-page enabling regular status checks also by patients not using smartphones with dedicated mobile apps which has some importance as smartphone usage diminishes with age.The source code, as well as further information to integrate CTest into the IT environment of other clinics or test-centres, are freely available from https://github.com/sysbio-bioinf/CTest under the Eclipse Public License v2.0 (EPL2).


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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