1. Angelos, G. , Dockter, A.G. , Gachabayov, M. , Latifi, R. , Bergamaschi, R. (2020). Emergency Colorectal Surgery in a COVID-19 Pandemic Epicenter. Surg. Technol. Int. 36. pii: sti36/1297.
2. Stop the Wuhan virus
3. No author listed. (2020). Europe now centre of pandemic, says WHO. Nature. 13 March 22:00 GMT.
4. SP keeps notification only for severe cases of coronavirus and says it follows Brazilian Ministery of Health. G1. Assessed on April 13th 2020: https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao-paulo/noticia/2020/04/08/sp-mantem-notificacao-apenas-para-casos-graves-de-coronavirus-e-diz-que-segue-ministerio-da-saude.ghtml