Generalized gametic relationships for flexible analyses of parent-of-origin effects


Reinsch N.ORCID,Mayer M.,Blunk I.


AbstractGenomic imprinting causes alleles to influence the phenotype in a parent-of-origin-specific manner. In attempts to determine the effects of imprinted loci, gametic relationship matrices have widely been used in pedigree-based parent-of-origin analyses of population data. One drawback of this is the size of these matrices because they represent each individual by two gametic effects. Significantly fewer equations are needed if a previously published reduced imprinting model is used that relates observations from progeny without its own offspring to the transmitting abilities of their parents. This can be accomplished using a numerator relationship matrix, with only a single row and column per parent and ancestors. However, the reduced model is not applicable when the parents have records. To better handle the curse of dimensionality, we propose a combination of average gametic effects (transmitting abilities) for individuals without their own records and single gametic effects for others. The generalized gametic relationship matrix is the covariance of this mixture of genetic effects that allows for a significant reduction in the number of equations in gametic models depending on the trait, depth of pedigree, and population structure. It can also render the reduced model much more flexible by including observations from parents. Rules for setting-up its inverse from a pedigree are derived and implemented on an open-source program. The application of the same principles to phased marker data leads to a genomic version of the generalized gametic relationships. The implementation of generalized gametic models to the ASReml package is illustrated through worked examples.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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