Płóciennik Łukasz,Zaucha Jan,Zaucha Jan Maciej,Łukaszuk Krzysztof,Jóźwicki Marek,Płóciennik Magdalena,Cięszczyk Paweł
AbstractIn this study, we performed an analysis of the impact of performance enhancing polymorphisms (PEPs) on gymnastic aptitude while considering epistatic effects. Seven PEPs (rs1815739, rs8192678, rs4253778, rs6265, rs5443, rs1076560, rs362584) were considered in a case (gymnasts) – control (sedentary individuals) setting. The study sample comprised of two athletes’ sets: 27 elite (aged 24.8 ± 2.1 years) and 46 sub-elite (aged 19.7 ± 2.4 years) sportsmen as well as a control group of 245 sedentary individuals (aged 22.5 ± 2.1 years). The DNA was derived from saliva and PEP alleles were determined by PCR, RT-PCR. Following Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction, logistic regression models were built. The synergistic effect for rs1815739 × rs362584 reached 5.43%. The rs1815739 × rs362584 epistatic regression model exhibited a good fit to the data (Chi-squared = 33.758, p ≈ 0) achieving a significant improvement in sportsmen identification over naïve guessing. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.715 (Z-score = 38.917, p ≈ 0). In contrast, the additive ACTN3 – SNAP-25 logistic regression model has been verified as non-significant.We demonstrate that a gene involved in the differentiation of muscle architecture – ACTN3 and a gene, which plays an important role in the nervous system – SNAP-25 interact. From the perspective originally established by the Berlin Academy of Science in 1751, the matter of communication between the brain and muscles via nerves adopts molecular manifestations. Further in-vitro investigations are required to explain the molecular details of the rs1815739 – rs362584 interaction.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory