Novel insights intoEntamoebacyst wall formation and the importance of actin cytoskeleton


Krishnan DeepakORCID,Nayak Santhoshi,Ghosh Sudip KumarORCID


AbstractThe cyst wall ofEntamoeba histolytica,the causative agent of the amoebiasis, is a potential target for new drugs. The “Wattle and Daub” model of cyst wall formation ofEntamoeba invadenshad already been reported. In this study, we demonstrate in more detail the morphological stages of chitin wall formation inE. invadensusing fluorescent chitin-binding dyes and immunolocalization of the cyst wall proteins. Here, the expression and localization of chitin synthase and the importance of actin cytoskeleton dynamics at cellular level, during encystations have been demonstrated for the first time. Chitin deposition was found to be initiated on the cell surface mostly from one distinct point, though multipoint initiation was also observed sometimes. From these points, the wall grew outwards and gradually covered the entire cyst surface with time. The initiation of chitin deposition was guided by the localization of chitin synthase 1 on the plasma membrane. The gradual formation of the cyst wall follows the Wattle and daub model. The chitin deposition occurred on the foundation of Jacob lectin at the cell membrane, and the other cyst wall components, like chitinase, and Jessie were also found to be present in the growing incomplete walls. In contrary to the Wattle and daub model, Jessie was found to be expressed and localized in the growing wall at the early hours of encystations. During encystation, F-actin was reorganized into the cortical region within an hour encystation initiation and remained intact until the completion of the chitin wall. Disruption of cortical actin polymerization with 2, 3-Butanedione monoxime inhibited proper wall formation but produced wall-less cysts or cysts with defective chitin wall. Malformations of cyst-walls were mainly due to improper localization and activity of chitin synthases, which indicates the indispensability of cortical actin cytoskeleton for the proper cyst wall formation.Author SummaryEntamoebaparasites reach new hosts using the resistant cyst form, so preventing its formation can stop the spread of amoebiasis. The resistant nature of the cyst is due to the chitin wall, and thus identifying the critical steps of wall formation could provide targets for designing new drugs. Here we studied the morphological stages of the cyst wall formation by observing how the chitin and other cell wall components were deposited on the cell surface using fluorescent chitin-binding dyes and antibodies against cyst wall proteins. In most cases, the chitin wall was found to start from one distinct point from which it spread all over the cell surface, guided by chitin synthase. The composition of these incomplete walls was the same as a mature cyst wall indicating that the wall may be a result of extracellular self-assembly of its constituents from one starting point. We have also observed that F-actin polymerized in the cortex of encysting cells and its disruption resulted in wall-less cysts or cysts with aberrant walls showing the importance of actin cytoskeleton in proper chitin deposition.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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