Cryo-EM structures of human TRPC5 reveal interaction of a xanthine-based TRPC1/4/5 inhibitor with a conserved lipid binding site


Wright David J.ORCID,Simmons Katie J.ORCID,Johnson Rachel M.,Beech David J.ORCID,Muench Stephen P.ORCID,Bon Robin S.ORCID


AbstractTRPC1/4/5 channels are non-specific cation channels implicated in a wide variety of diseases, and TRPC1/4/5 inhibitors have recently entered the first clinical trials. However, fundamental and translational studies require a better understanding of TRPC1/4/5 channel regulation by endogenous and exogenous factors. Although several potent and selective TRPC1/4/5 modulators have been reported, the paucity of mechanistic insights into their modes-of-action remains a barrier to the development of new chemical probes and drug candidates. The xanthine class of modulators includes the most potent and selective TRPC1/4/5 inhibitors described to date, as well as TRPC5 activators. Our previous studies suggest that xanthines interact with a, so far, elusive pocket of TRPC1/4/5 channels that is essential to channel gating. Targeting this pocket may be a promising strategy for TRPC1/4/5 drug discovery. Here we report the first structure of a small molecule-bound TRPC1/4/5 channel – human TRPC5 in complex with the xanthine Pico145 – to 3.0 Å. We found that Pico145 binds to a conserved lipid binding site of TRPC5, where it displaces a bound phospholipid. Our findings explain the mode-of-action of xanthine-based TRPC1/4/5 modulators, and suggest a structural basis for TRPC1/4/5 modulation by endogenous factors such as (phospho)lipids and Zn2+ ions. These studies lay the foundations for the structure-based design of new generations of TRPC1/4/5 modulators.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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