Multi-view confocal microscopy enables multiple organ and whole organism live-imaging


Leroy OlivierORCID,van Leen EricORCID,Girard PhilippeORCID,Villedieu AurélienORCID,Hubert ChristianORCID,Bosveld FlorisORCID,Bellaïche YohannsORCID,Renaud OlivierORCID


AbstractUnderstanding how development is coordinated in multiple tissues and gives rise to fully functional organs or whole organisms necessitates microscopy tools. Over the last decade numerous advances have been made in live-imaging, enabling high resolution imaging of whole organisms at cellular resolution. Yet, these advances mainly rely on mounting the specimen in agarose or aqueous solutions, precluding imaging of organisms whose oxygen uptake depends on ventilation. Here, we implemented a multi-view multi-scale microscopy strategy based on confocal spinning disk microscopy, called Multi-View confocal microScopy (MuViScopy). MuViScopy enables live-imaging of multiple organs with cellular resolution using sample rotation and confocal imaging without the need of sample embedding. We illustrate the capacity of MuViScopy by live-imaging Drosophila melanogaster pupal development throughout metamorphosis, highlighting how internal organs are formed and multiple organ development is coordinated. We foresee that MuViScopy will open the path to better understand developmental processes at the whole organism scale in living systems that necessitates gas exchange by ventilation.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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