PhenoMeNal: Processing and analysis of Metabolomics data in the Cloud
Peters KristianORCID, Bradbury James, Bergmann Sven, Capuccini Marco, Cascante MartaORCID, de Atauri PedroORCID, Ebbels Timothy M D, Foguet CarlesORCID, Glen Robert, Gonzalez-Beltran AlejandraORCID, Guenther Ulrich, Handakas Evangelos, Hankemeier ThomasORCID, Haug KennethORCID, Herman StephanieORCID, Holub PetrORCID, Izzo MassimilianoORCID, Jacob Daniel, Johnson DavidORCID, Jourdan Fabien, Kale NamrataORCID, Karaman IbrahimORCID, Khalili Bita, Khonsari Payam EmamiORCID, Kultima KimORCID, Lampa SamuelORCID, Larsson AndersORCID, Ludwig Christian, Moreno PabloORCID, Neumann SteffenORCID, Novella Jon Ander, O’Donovan ClaireORCID, Pearce Jake TMORCID, Peluso AlinaORCID, Pireddu LucaORCID, Piras Marco EnricoORCID, Reed Michelle ACORCID, Rocca-Serra PhilippeORCID, Roger Pierrick, Rosato AntonioORCID, Rueedi RicoORCID, Ruttkies ChristophORCID, Sadawi NoureddinORCID, Salek Reza MORCID, Sansone Susanna-AssuntaORCID, Selivanov VitalyORCID, Spjuth OlaORCID, Schober DanielORCID, Thévenot Etienne A.ORCID, Tomasoni Mattia, van Rijswijk MerlijnORCID, van Vliet MichaelORCID, Viant Mark RORCID, Weber Ralf J. M., Zanetti GianluigiORCID, Steinbeck ChristophORCID
AbstractBackgroundMetabolomics is the comprehensive study of a multitude of small molecules to gain insight into an organism’s metabolism. The research field is dynamic and expanding with applications across biomedical, biotechnological and many other applied biological domains. Its computationally-intensive nature has driven requirements for open data formats, data repositories and data analysis tools. However, the rapid progress has resulted in a mosaic of independent – and sometimes incompatible – analysis methods that are difficult to connect into a useful and complete data analysis solution.FindingsThe PhenoMeNal (Phenome and Metabolome aNalysis) e-infrastructure provides a complete, workflow-oriented, interoperable metabolomics data analysis solution for a modern infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) cloud platform. PhenoMeNal seamlessly integrates a wide array of existing open source tools which are tested and packaged as Docker containers through the project’s continuous integration process and deployed based on a kubernetes orchestration framework. It also provides a number of standardized, automated and published analysis workflows in the user interfaces Galaxy, Jupyter, Luigi and Pachyderm.ConclusionsPhenoMeNal constitutes a keystone solution in cloud infrastructures available for metabolomics. It provides scientists with a ready-to-use, workflow-driven, reproducible and shareable data analysis platform harmonizing the software installation and configuration through user-friendly web interfaces. The deployed cloud environments can be dynamically scaled to enable large-scale analyses which are interfaced through standard data formats, versioned, and have been tested for reproducibility and interoperability. The flexible implementation of PhenoMeNal allows easy adaptation of the infrastructure to other application areas and ‘omics research domains.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
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2 articles.