The ER protein translocation channel subunit Sbh1 controls virulence ofCryptococcus neoformans


Santiago-Tirado Felipe H.,Hurtaux Thomas,Geddes-McAlister Jennifer,Nguyen Duy,Helms Volkhard,Doering Tamara L.ORCID,Römisch KarinORCID


AbstractThe fungal pathogenCryptococcus neoformansis distinguished by a cell wall-anchored polysaccharide capsule that is critical for virulence. Biogenesis of both cell wall and capsule relies on the secretory pathway. Protein secretion begins with polypeptide translocation across the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane through a highly conserved channel formed by three proteins: Sec61, Sbh1, and Sss1. Sbh1, the most divergent, contains multiple phosphorylation sites, which may allow it to regulate entry into the secretory pathway in a species- and protein-specific manner. Absence ofSBH1causes a cell-wall defect in bothSaccharomyces cerevisiaeandC. neoformans, although other phenotypes differ. Notably, proteomic analysis showed that when cryptococci are grown in conditions that mimic aspects of the mammalian host environment (tissue culture medium, 37 °C, 5% CO2), a set of secretory and transmembrane proteins is upregulated in wild-type, but not inΔsbh1mutant cells. The Sbh1-dependent proteins show specific features of their ER targeting sequences that likely cause them to transit less efficiently into the secretory pathway. Many also act in cell-wall biogenesis, while several are known virulence factors; consistent with these observations, theC. neoformans Δsbh1mutant is avirulent in a mouse infection model. We conclude that, in the context of conditions encountered during infection, Sbh1 controls the entry of virulence factors into the secretory pathway ofC. neoformans, and thereby regulates fungal pathogenicity.ImportanceCryptococcus neoformansis a yeast that causes almost 200,000 deaths worldwide each year, mainly of immunocompromised individuals. The surface structures of this pathogen, a protective cell wall surrounded by a polysaccharide capsule, are made and maintained by proteins that are synthesized inside the cell and travel outwards through the secretory pathway. A protein called Sbh1 is part of the machinery that determines which polypeptides enter this export pathway. We found that when Sbh1 is absent, bothC. neoformansand the model yeastS. cerevisiaeshow cell wall defects. Lack of Sbh1 also changes the pattern of secretion of both transmembrane and soluble proteins, in a manner that depends on characteristics of their sequences. Notably, multiple proteins that are normally upregulated in conditions similar to those encountered during infection, including several needed for cryptococcal virulence, are no longer increased. Sbh1 thereby regulates the ability of this important pathogen to cause disease.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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