Genome-wide analysis of heat stress-stimulated transposon mobility in the human fungal pathogenCryptococcus deneoformans


Gusa AsiyaORCID,Yadav VikasORCID,Roth CullenORCID,Williams Jonathan D.,Shouse Eva MeiORCID,Magwene PaulORCID,Heitman JosephORCID,Jinks-Robertson SueORCID


AbstractWe recently reported transposon mutagenesis as a significant driver of spontaneous mutations in the human fungal pathogenCryptococcus deneoformansduring murine infection. Mutations caused by transposable element (TE) insertion into reporter genes were dramatically elevated at high temperature (37° versus 30°) in vitro, suggesting that heat stress stimulates TE mobility in the Cryptococcus genome. To explore the genome-wide impact of TE mobilization, we generated transposon accumulation lines by in vitro passage ofC. deneoformansstrain XL280α for multiple generations at both 30° and at the host-relevant temperature of 37°. Utilizing whole-genome sequencing, we identified native TE copies and mapped multiplede novoTE insertions in these lines. Movements of the T1 DNA transposon occurred at both temperatures with a strong bias for insertion between gene-coding regions. By contrast, the Tcn12 retrotransposon integrated primarily within genes and movement occurred exclusively at 37°. In addition, we observed a dramatic amplification in copy number of the Cnl1 (C. neoformansLINE-1) retrotransposon in sub-telomeric regions under heat-stress conditions. Comparing TE mutations to other sequence variations detected in passaged lines, the increase in genomic changes at elevated temperature was primarily due to mobilization of the retroelements Tcn12 and Cnl1. Finally, we found multiple TE movements (T1, Tcn12 and Cnl1) in the genomes of singleC. deneoformansisolates recovered from infected mice, providing evidence that mobile elements are likely to facilitate microevolution and rapid adaptation during infection.Significance StatementRising global temperatures and climate change are predicted to increase fungal diseases in plants and mammals. However, the impact of heat stress on genetic changes in environmental fungi is largely unexplored. Environmental stressors can stimulate the movement of mobile DNA elements (transposons) within the genome to alter the genetic landscape. This report provides a genome-wide assessment of heat stress-induced transposon mobilization in the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus. Transposon copies accumulated in genomes more rapidly following growth at the higher, host-relevant temperature. Additionally, movements of multiple elements were detected in the genomes of cryptococci recovered from infected mice. These findings suggest that heat stress-stimulated transposon mobility contributes to rapid adaptive changes in fungi both in the environment and during infection.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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