AbstractActin is highly abundant in platelets, and platelet function is dependent on actin structures. Actin filaments are dynamic structures involved in many cellular processes including platelet shape changes and adhesion. The actin cytoskeleton is tightly regulated by actin-binding proteins, which include the members of the actin depolymerising factor (ADF)/cofilin family. LIM kinase (LIMK) and slingshot phosphatase (SSH-1L) regulate actin dynamics by controlling the binding affinity of ADF/cofilin towards actin. We hypothesised that inhibition of LIMK activity may prevent the changes in platelet shape during their activation and therefore their function by controlling the dynamics of Factin. Therefore, inhibition of LIMK activity may represent an attractive new strategy to control and inhibit platelet function; particularly the formation of stable platelet aggregates and thus stable thrombi.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory