A mechanism that integrates microtubule motors of opposite polarity at the kinetochore corona


Cmentowski VerenaORCID,Ciossani GiuseppeORCID,d’Amico EnnioORCID,Wohlgemuth Sabine,Owa Mikito,Dynlacht BrianORCID,Musacchio AndreaORCID


Chromosome biorientation on the mitotic spindle is prerequisite to errorless genome inheritance. CENP-E (kinesin 7) and Dynein-Dynactin (DD), microtubule motors with opposite polarity, promote biorientation from the kinetochore corona, a polymeric structure whose assembly requires MPS1 kinase. The corona’s building block consists of ROD, Zwilch, ZW10, and the DD adaptor Spindly (RZZS). How CENP-E and DD are scaffolded and mutually coordinated in the corona remains unclear. Here, we report near-complete depletion of RZZS and DD from kinetochores after depletion of CENP-E and the outer kinetochore protein KNL1. With inhibited MPS1, CENP-E, which we show binds directly to RZZS, is required to retain kinetochore RZZS. An RZZS phosphomimetic mutant bypasses this requirement. With active MPS1, CENP-E is dispensable for corona expansion, but strictly required for physiological kinetochore accumulation of DD. Thus, we identify the corona as an integrated scaffold where CENP-E kinesin controls DD kinetochore loading for coordinated bidirectional transport of chromosome cargo.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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