Moderate increases in channel discharge are positively related to ecosystem respiration in forested Ozark streams


Dodd Allyn K.ORCID,Magoulick Daniel D.,Evans-White Michelle A.


ABSTRACTThe natural flow regime is considered the “master variable” in lotic systems, controlling structure and function at organismal, population, community, and ecosystem levels. We sought to estimate forested headwater stream metabolism across two dominant flow regimes (Runoff and Groundwater) in northern Arkansas and evaluate potential differences in, and drivers of, gross primary production, ecosystem respiration, and net ecosystem metabolism. Flow regimes differed in intermittency, substrate heterogeneity, hyporheic connectivity, and dominant water source (subsurface runoff vs. groundwater), which we expected to result in differences in primary production and respiration. Average daily gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) estimated from field data collected from May 2015-June 2016 tended to be greater in Groundwater streams. Respiration was positively related to discharge (R2= 0.98 p< 0.0001) and net metabolism became more heterotrophic with increasing average annual discharge across sites (R2= 0.94, p= 0.0008). Characterizing ecosystem-level responses to differences in flow can reveal mechanisms governing stream metabolism and, in turn, provide information regarding trophic state and energy inputs as efforts continue to determine global trends in aquatic carbon sources and fates.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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