Sex and origin-specific inbreeding effects on flower attractiveness to specialised pollinators


Schrieber KarinORCID,Paul Sarah Catherine,Höche Levke Valena,Salas Andrea Cecilia,Didszun Rabi,Mößnang Jakob,Müller Caroline,Erfmeier AlexandraORCID,Eilers Elisabeth Johanna


AbstractWe investigate whether inbreeding has particularly fatal consequences for dioecious plants by diminishing their floral attractiveness and the associated pollinator visitation rates disproportionally in females. We also test whether the magnitude of such effects depends on the evolutionary histories of plant populations. We recorded spatial, olfactory, colour and rewarding flower attractiveness traits as well as pollinator visitation rates in experimentally inbred and outbred, male and female Silene latifolia plants from European and North American populations differing in their evolutionary histories. We found that inbreeding specifically impairs spatial and olfactory attractiveness. Our results support that sex-specific selection and gene expression partially magnified these inbreeding costs for females, and that divergent evolutionary histories altered the genetic architecture underlying inbreeding effects across population origins. Moreover, they highlight that inbreeding effects on olfactory attractiveness have a huge potential to disrupt interactions among plants and specialist moth pollinators, which are mediated by elaborate chemical communication.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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