Kaptive Web: user-friendly capsule and lipopolysaccharide serotype prediction forKlebsiellagenomes


Wick Ryan RORCID,Heinz EvaORCID,Holt Kathryn EORCID,Wyres Kelly LORCID


AbstractAs whole genome sequencing becomes an established component of the microbiologist’s toolbox, it is imperative that researchers, clinical microbiologists and public health professionals have access to genomic analysis tools for rapid extraction of epidemiologically and clinically relevant information. For the gram-negative hospital pathogens such asKlebsiella pneumoniae, initial efforts have focused on detection and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance genes and clones. However, with the resurgence of interest in alternative infection control strategies targetingKlebsiellasurface polysaccharides, the ability to extract information about these antigens is increasingly important.Here we present Kaptive Web, an online tool for rapid typing ofKlebsiellaK and O loci, which encode the polysaccharide capsule and lipopolysaccharide O antigen, respectively. Kaptive Web enables users to upload and analyse genome assemblies in a web browser. Results can be downloaded in tabular format or explored in detail via the graphical interface, making it accessible for users at all levels of computational expertise.We demonstrate Kaptive Web’s utility by analysis of >500K. pneumoniaegenomes. We identify extensive K and O locus diversity among 201 genomes belonging to the carbapenemase- associated clonal group 258 (25 K and six O loci). Characterisation of a further 309 genomes indicates that such diversity is common among the multi-drug resistant clones and that these loci represent useful epidemiological markers for strain subtyping. These findings reinforce the need for rapid, reliable and accessible typing methods such as Kaptive Web.Kaptive Web is available for use at kaptive.holtlab.net and source code is available at github.com/kelwyres/Kaptive-Web.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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