Oblique transmission, conformity, and preference in the evolution of altruism


Denton Kaleda K.ORCID,Ram YoavORCID,Feldman Marcus W.


AbstractThe evolution of altruism is frequently studied using models of non-random assortment, including kin selection. In genetic kin selection models, under certain assumptions including additive costs and benefits, the criterion for altruism to invade a population is Hamilton’s rule. Deviations from Hamilton’s rule occur when vertical transmission has cultural and genetic components, or when costs and benefits are combined multiplicatively. Here, we include oblique and vertical cultural transmission and genetic transmission in four models—two forms of parent-to-offspring altruism, sibling-to-sibling altruism, and altruism between offspring that meet assortatively—under additive or multiplicative assumptions. Oblique transmission may be conformist (anti-conformist), where the probability that an individual acquires a more common cultural variant is greater (less) than its frequency. Inclusion of conformist or anti-conformist oblique transmission may reduce or increase the threshold for invasion by altruism relative to Hamilton’s rule. Thresholds for invasion by altruism are lower with anti-conformity than with conformity, and lower or the same with additive rather than multiplicative fitness components. Invasion by an allele that increases the preference for altruism does not depend on oblique phenotypic transmission, and with sibling-to-sibling altruism, this allele’s invasion threshold can be higher with additive rather than multiplicative fitnesses.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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