DNA sequence-dependent positioning of the linker histone in a nucleosome: a single-pair FRET study


De Madhura,Öztürk Mehmet Ali,Isbaner Sebastian,Tóth Katalin,Wade Rebecca C.


AbstractLinker histones (LH) bind to nucleosomes with their globular domain (gH) positioned in either an on- or an off-dyad binding mode. Here, we study the effect of the linker DNA (L-DNA) sequence on the binding of a full-length LH, Xenopus laevis H1.0b, to a Widom 601 nucleosome core particle (NCP) flanked by two 40 bp long L-DNA arms, by single-pair FRET spectroscopy. We varied the sequence of the 11 bp of L-DNA adjoining the NCP on either side, making the sequence either A-tract, purely GC, or mixed, with 64% AT. The labelled gH consistently exhibited higher FRET efficiency with the labelled L-DNA containing the A-tract, than that with the pure-GC stretch, even when the stretches were swapped. However, it did not exhibit higher FRET efficiency with the L-DNA containing 64% AT-rich mixed DNA when compared to the pure-GC stretch. We explain our observations with a model that shows that the gH binds on-dyad and that two arginines mediate recognition of the A-tract via its characteristically narrow minor groove. To investigate whether this on-dyad minor groove-based recognition was distinct from previously identified off-dyad major groove-based recognition, a nucleosome was designed with A-tracts on both the L-DNA arms. One A-tract was complementary to thymine and the other to deoxyuridine. The major groove of the thymine-tract was lined with methyl groups that were absent from the major groove of the deoxyuridine tract. The gH exhibited similar FRET for both these A-tracts, suggesting that it does not interact with the thymine methyl groups exposed on the major groove. Our observations thus complement previous studies that suggest that different LH isoforms may employ different ways of recognizingff AT-rich DNA and A-tracts. This adaptability may enable the LH to universally compact scaffold-associated regions and constitutive heterochromatin, which are rich in such sequences.Statement of SignificanceLinker histones (LHs) associate with the smallest repeat unit of chromatin, the nucleosome. They have been observed to have affinity for AT-rich DNA, which is found in constitutive heterochromatin and scaffold-associated regions (SAR), which could explain how the LHs can compact such parts of the chromatin. How the LH recognizes such sequences is poorly understood. Using single-pair FRET and modelling, we provide experimental evidence of DNA-sequence-induced changes in the orientation of a LH bound to a nucleosome, and thereby reveal a new mechanism by which the LH can recognize A-tract sequences that are abundantly present in the SAR. Our results show that, depending on how the LH associates with the nucleosome, it can employ more than one mechanism to recognize AT-rich DNA.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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