Environmental scan of provincial and territorial planning for COVID-19 vaccination programs


MacDonald Shannon E.ORCID,Sell Hannah,Wilson Sarah,Meyer Samantha B.,Gagneur Arnaud,Assi Ali,Sadarangani Manish,


AbstractBackgroundPublic health departments in Canada are currently facing the challenging task of planning and implementing COVID-19 vaccination programs.ObjectiveTo collect and synthesize information regarding COVID-19 vaccination programs in each of the provinces and territories (P/Ts).MethodsProvincial/territorial public health leaders were interviewed via teleconference between August-October 2020 to collect information on the following topics, drawn from scientific literature and media: unique factors for COVID-19 vaccination, adoption of National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recommendations, priority groups for early vaccination, and vaccine safety and effectiveness monitoring. Data were grouped according to common responses and descriptive analysis was performed.ResultsEighteen interviews occurred with 25 participants from 11 of 13 P/Ts. Factors unique to COVID-19 vaccination included prioritizing groups for early vaccination (n=7), public perception of vaccines (n=6), and differing eligibility criteria (n=5). Almost all P/Ts (n=10) reported reliance on NACI recommendations. Long-term care residents (n=10) and health care workers (n=10) were most frequently prioritized for early vaccination, followed by people with chronic medical conditions (n=9) and seniors (n=8). Most P/Ts (n=9) are planning routine adverse event monitoring to assess vaccine safety. Evaluation of effectiveness was anticipated to occur within public health departments (n=3), by researchers (n=3), or based on national guidance (n=4).ConclusionPlans for COVID-19 vaccination programs in the P/Ts exhibit some similarities and are largely consistent with NACI guidelines, with some discrepancies. Further research is needed to evaluate the success of COVID-19 vaccination programs once implemented.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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