Population-scale skeletal muscle single-nucleus multi-omic profiling reveals extensive context specific genetic regulation


Varshney Arushi,Manickam Nandini,Orchard Peter,Tovar Adelaide,Zhang Zhenhao,Feng Fan,Erdos Michael R,Narisu Narisu,Ventresca Christa,Nishino Kirsten,Rai VivekORCID,Stringham Heather M,Jackson Anne U,Tamsen Tricia,Gao Chao,Yang Mao,Koues Olivia I,Welch Joshua DORCID,Burant Charles F,Williams L Keoki,Jenkinson Chris,DeFronzo Ralph A,Norton LukeORCID,Saramies Jouko,Lakka Timo A,Laakso Markku,Tuomilehto Jaakko,Mohlke Karen L,Kitzman Jacob OORCID,Koistinen Heikki A,Liu Jie,Boehnke Michael,Collins Francis S,Scott Laura J,Parker Stephen C J


SummarySkeletal muscle, the largest human organ by weight, is relevant to several polygenic metabolic traits and diseases including type 2 diabetes (T2D). Identifying genetic mechanisms underlying these traits requires pinpointing the relevant cell types, regulatory elements, target genes, and causal variants. Here, we used genetic multiplexing to generate population-scale single nucleus (sn) chromatin accessibility (snATAC-seq) and transcriptome (snRNA-seq) maps across 287 frozen human skeletal muscle biopsies representing 456,880 nuclei. We identified 13 cell types that collectively represented 983,155 ATAC summits. We integrated genetic variation to discover 6,866 expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) and 100,928 chromatin accessibility QTL (caQTL) (5% FDR) across the five most abundant cell types, cataloging caQTL peaks that atlas-level snATAC maps often miss. We identified 1,973 eGenes colocalized with caQTL and used mediation analyses to construct causal directional maps for chromatin accessibility and gene expression. 3,378 genome-wide association study (GWAS) signals across 43 relevant traits colocalized with sn-e/caQTL, 52% in a cell-specific manner. 77% of GWAS signals colocalized with caQTL and not eQTL, highlighting the critical importance of population-scale chromatin profiling for GWAS functional studies. GWAS-caQTL colocalization showed distinct cell-specific regulatory paradigms. For example, aC2CD4A/BT2D GWAS signal colocalized with caQTL in muscle fibers and multiple chromatin loop models nominatedVPS13C, a glucose uptake gene. Sequence of the caQTL peak overlapping caSNP rs7163757 showed allelic regulatory activity differences in a human myocyte cell line massively parallel reporter assay. These results illuminate the genetic regulatory architecture of human skeletal muscle at high-resolution epigenomic, transcriptomic, and cell state scales and serve as a template for population-scale multiomic mapping in complex tissues and traits.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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