Hippocampal sequences span experience relative to rewards


Sosa MarielenaORCID,Plitt Mark H.ORCID,Giocomo Lisa M.


Hippocampal place cells fire in sequences that span spatial environments and non-spatial modalities, suggesting that hippocampal activity can anchor to the most behaviorally salient aspects of experience. As reward is a highly salient event, we hypothesized that sequences of hippocampal activity can anchor to rewards. To test this, we performed two-photon imaging of hippocampal CA1 neurons as mice navigated virtual environments with changing hidden reward locations. When the reward moved, the firing fields of a subpopulation of cells moved to the same relative position with respect to reward, constructing a sequence of reward-relative cells that spanned the entire task structure. The density of these reward-relative sequences increased with task experience as additional neurons were recruited to the reward-relative population. Conversely, a largely separate subpopulation maintained a spatially-based place code. These findings thus reveal separate hippocampal ensembles can flexibly encode multiple behaviorally salient reference frames, reflecting the structure of the experience.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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