Metagenome-based microbial community analysis of urine-derived fertilizer


Woldeyohannis Nebiyat N.,Desta Adey F.ORCID


AbstractThe present study aimed to understand the bacterial portion of the microbial community composition and dynamics of plasmid-mediated antimicrobial resistant genes during the optimized process of struvite production from composite human urine. Samples for DNA extraction was collected from fresh urine, stored urine and struvite during the process of struvite production. Shotgun metagenomic analysis was employed to understand the bacterial community. The most dominant phyla in the fresh and stored urine samples were Pseudomonadata, which comprised of 60% and 43% respectively, followed by Bacillota, comprised of 25% and 39% respectively. The struvite sample was dominated by the phylum Bacilliota (61%), Pseudomonadota (18%) and bacteroidota (12%). The members of the above phyla persisted in dominating each sample accordingly. Member of the family Morganellaceae was dominant in the fresh sample while the stored urine and struvite samples were dominated by the family Clostridiaceae. A decrease of members of the class Gammaproteobacteria was observed from the fresh to the struvite sample though not statistically significant. The genusPseudomonasremained to be the most dominant member of Gammaproteobacteria in the fresh and stored urine sample with OTU count of 12,116 and 6,155 with a marked decrease by half in the stored sample. On the other hand, members of the generaClostridium, Enterococcus, Bacteroidesin the stored samples andClostridium, AlkaliphilusandPseudomonasin the struvite samples were dominant. Ninety-six percent of the identified genera were shared in all the samples and the antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) identified in the fresh urine were shared by the struvite but not by the stored urine (eg.sul, cat, aphandaacmembers). the presence of high abundance of ARGs in struvite needs attention in the persistence and transmissibility of the ARGs before application for agriculture.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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