Bedoya Ana M.,Leaché Adam D.,Olmstead Richard G.
SummaryNorthern South America is a geologically dynamic and species-rich region. While fossil and stratigraphic data show that reconfiguration of river drainages resulted from mountain uplift in the tropical Andes, investigations of the impact of landscape change on the evolution of the flora in the region have been restricted to terrestrial taxa.We explore the role of landscape change on the evolution of plants living strictly in rivers across drainage basins in northern South America by conducting population structure, phylogenomic, phylogenetic networks, and divergence-dating analyses for populations of riverweeds (Marathrum, Podostemaceae).We show that mountain uplift and drainage basin formation isolated populations of Marathrum and created barriers to gene flow across rivers drainages. Sympatric species hybridize and the hybrids show the phenotype of one parental line. We propose that the pattern of divergence of populations reflect the formation of river drainages, which was not complete until <4 MaOur study provides a clear picture of the role of landscape change in shaping the evolution of riverweeds in northern South America, advances our understanding of the reproductive biology of this remarkable group of plants, and spotlights the impact of hybridization in phylogenetic inference.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory