On the anti-correlation between COVID-19 infection rate and natural UV light in the UK


Blum Arnon,Nicolaou Constantina,Henghes Ben,Lahav Ofer


AbstractWhile it is well established that the rate of COVID-19 infections can be suppressed by social distancing, environmental effects may also affect the infection rate. Here we consider the hypothesis that natural Ultra-Violet (UV) light (UVA and UVB) is reducing COVID-19 infections by enhancing human immunity through vitamin-D and/or by suppressing the virus itself. We focus on the United Kingdom (UK), by examining daily COVID-19 infections (F) and UV Index (UVI) data over the period March to October 2020. We find an intriguing empirical anti-correlation between log10(F) and log10(UVI) with a correlation coefficient of -0.933 over the period from 11 May (when the first UK lockdown ended) to 28 October 2020. The anticorrelation may reflect causation with other factors which are correlated with the UVI. Either way, UVI should be included in modelling the pattern of COVID-19 infections and deaths. We started quantifying such correlations in other countries and regions.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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