AbstractBacterivorous protists are thought to serve as training grounds for bacterial pathogens by subjecting them to the same hostile conditions that they will encounter in the human host. Bacteria that survive intracellular digestion exhibit enhanced virulence and stress resistance after successful passage through protozoa but the underlying mechanisms remain to be clarified. Here we show that the opportunistic pathogenBurkholderia cenocepaciasurvives phagocytosis by ciliates found in domestic and hospital sink drains, and viable bacteria are expelled packaged in respirable membrane vesicles with enhanced resistance to oxidative stress, desiccation and antibiotics, thereby contributing to bacterial dissemination in the environment. By using diverse methodological approaches, we demonstrate that reactive oxygen species generated within the protozoan phagosome promote the formation of persisters tolerant to ciprofloxacin by activating the bacterial SOS response. Besides, we show that genes encoding antioxidant enzymes are upregulated during passage through ciliates increasing bacterial resistance to oxidative radicals. We prove that suppression of the SOS response impairs bacterial intracellular survival and persister formation within protists. This study highlights the significance of protozoan food vacuoles as niches that foster bacterial adaptation in natural and built environments and suggests that persister switch within phagosomes may be a widespread phenomenon in bacteria surviving intracellular digestion.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory