Stimulus invariant aspects of the retinal code drive discriminability of natural scenes


Hoshal Benjamin D.ORCID,Holmes Caroline M.,Bojanek Kyle,Salisbury Jared,Berry Michael J.,Marre Olivier,Palmer Stephanie E.


Everything that the brain sees must first be encoded by the retina, which maintains a reliable representation of the visual world in many different, complex natural scenes while also adapting to stimulus changes. Decomposing the population code into independent and cell-cell interactions reveals how broad scene structure is encoded in the adapted retinal output. By recording from the same retina while presenting many different natural movies, we see that the population structure, characterized by strong interactions, is consistent across both natural and synthetic stimuli. We show that these interactions contribute to encoding scene identity. We also demonstrate that this structure likely arises in part from shared bipolar cell input as well as from gap junctions between retinal ganglion cells and amacrine cells.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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