Rates of SARS-CoV-2 transmission between and into California state prisons


Dubey Preeti,Hoover Christopher M.ORCID,Lu Phoebe,Blumberg Seth,Porco Travis C.,Parsons Todd L.,Worden Lee


AbstractCorrectional institutions are a crucial hotspot amplifying SARS-CoV-2 spread and disease disparity in the U.S. In the California state prison system, multiple massive outbreaks have been caused by transmission between prisons. Correctional staff are a likely vector for transmission into the prison system from surrounding communities. We used publicly available data to estimate the magnitude of flows to and between California state prisons, estimating rates of transmission from communities to prison staff and residents, among and between residents and staff within facilities, and between staff and residents of distinct facilities in the state’s 34 prisons through March 22, 2021. We use a mechanistic model, the Hawkes process, reflecting the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 transmission, for joint estimation of transmission rates. Using nested models for hypothesis testing, we compared the results to simplified models (i) without transmission between prisons, and (ii) with no distinction between prison staff and residents. We estimated that transmission between different facilities’ staff is a significant cause of disease spread, and that staff are a vector of transmission between resident populations and outside communities. While increased screening and vaccination of correctional staff may help reduce introductions, large-scale decarceration remains crucially needed as more limited measures are not likely to prevent large-scale disease spread.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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