Social determinants of adult health outcomes in Sickle cell disease: a scoping review protocol


Blake Alphanso,Bennett Nadia,Ferguson Trevor,Harding Seeromanie,Asnani Monika


AbstractObjectiveTo summarize the evidence and identify gaps in the literature related to the impact of social factors on health outcomes across the life course for persons with Sickle Cell Disease.IntroductionSickle cell disease (SCD) is a group of genetic diseases where abnormal hemoglobin is associated with recurrent complications across the life course which results in increased morbidity or death. The social determinants of health may impact health outcomes throughout the life course of these individuals. Better understanding of the effect that these factors and their complications have may influence management approaches both medically and socially to improve quality of life.Inclusion criteriaAll studies published in English between 1973 and 2023 of persons of all ages living with SCD (SS, SC, SB0SB+), examining factors related to the social determinants of health will be included. Conference abstracts, editorials and opinion papers will be excluded.MethodsMethods proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) and by Westphaln and colleagues in 2021 will be used. The electronic databases Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO), Open Science Framework and PubMed will be searched using a pre-specified search strategy developed with stakeholder input. All citations will be reviewed by two independent reviewers with disagreements adjudicated by a third reviewer. The screening process will be reported in a Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews Extensions for Scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR) flow diagram. The Rayyan software will be used to manage the review process.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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